Every book published is assigned by a unique ISBN (International Standard Book Number), ensuring global recognition and authenticity for each title.
Our expert team meticulously reviews and refines manuscripts to eliminate grammatical errors, enhance language flow, and ensure the content is polished to perfection.
We craft visually captivating cover pages, designed to grab attention and reflect the essence of your book, making it stand out in the market.
Since 2019 he has been an active contributor to the literary field. The journey began on the renowned great platform Pratilipi, where he introduced readers to his first literary series, Ninad: Ek Prem Katha. This heartfelt love story. Which met with an overwhelming response from overall readers which gives tremendous boost to his illustrious writing career.
A dedicated entrepreneur with a strong technical background and a deep passion for storytelling and content creator. After completing my diploma in a technical field, he pursued an engineering degree in Bangalore. Alongside, embarked on the professional journey with Pratilipi, India’s largest storytelling platform. During the tenure of over couple of years in the Business Development, he gained invaluable experience and insights into the realms of literature and storytelling.
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